"so, for the same reason, think it no great matter to die rather many years after, than the very next day." - meditations book IV, VI
250217 - changed small things up on homepage, really do need to figure out a way to fix the status cafe bullshit
241226 - finally updating website = changed currently stuff, updated who am i page, tried fixing statuscafe problem
240814 - fixed update container and changed currently list + song of the week
240722 - made my button! added some more menial todos, made an imood acct, added viewed on desktop sign, changed some of blog css + added reminders, got rid of the meaningless quotes on homepage, made social/business email
240721 - website launch today.
fleabag!! + letterboxd watchlist
everything the strokes
crime and punishment - fyodor dostoyevsky
my email: stainedsympathy@gmail.com - if you want to contact me!
gonna put my neighbors page right here when it gets made ofc
atlanta millionaires club!
resident evil 4 remake!
vinland saga!